Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hezekiah's special ANZAC day .

Look what Hezekiah did with his family to remember Anzac day.

At dawn with family


 Is this the biggest Poppy you have ever seen?

Practising your handwriting. Noah and Harper

This is a great activity to do while you are home.

Look how Noah is really concentrating. Well done.

 Harper's  printing.

Building with Harper.

This is the castle that Harper made today, she asked me to send you the photo to put it on the blog  from Harper's Nanny T.

What do you like building?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Look who misses us!

  Wow! what an amazing  wonderful way to send us all a message. We miss you as well.

  Maybe you could  make a message and send it to me to put on our blog.

Mrs Hall and Jono's star jumps!

 Mrs Hall is very clever . She can count her star jumps as she jumps!

Can you remember how many star jumps she and Jono did?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Ruaumoko's star jump challenge today!

Thankyou to the children for sending in their videos.

 Mr Loudon took 2 videos of me doing star jumps! 
I was puffed at the end!

 Look at Happy Harper  doing her star jumps!

Go Tommy!

 Go Pippa

 Look at Mrs Mill!  Count how many star jumps she can do in 10 seconds! She must be so fit!

 Did you count how many star jumps we all did?

We cant wait to see other star jump videos!

Finns' hangi experience

Easter weekend- we put a hangi in the ground, Finn had to help with the preparation of the meat and veges, Finn
helped the boys dig the hole and get the fire going, we then waited for 4 hours and while we waited we went to shoot a goat and put the goat into the river to try get an

 eel. So we put a line down in the river and left it there for a few hours, and we went home and had our yummy hangi for dinner then went back down and checked our line with the hook on it and had an eel. We had such a good Easter weekend on farm.

  The hangi food looked so tasty.
 What was the best part of making 
a hangi Finn?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Happy Harper

Our mode of transport is biking these days.  We try to do a bike every day.

What a great bike attachment for you Harper!
 Biking is such a great thing to do.

Harper loves doing puzzles and this is what she has been up to this morning while watching her 
numbers stuff on you tube. 
 We had a picnic at our Nana's. What fun.

Harper loves doing puzzles and this is what she has been up to this morning while watching her numbers stuff
 on you tube.


Writing words

I  think I know what Pippa has been up to today.  Do you think that she watched the word video this morning 
 and quickly wrote the words down.

 How many words can you write now?
Look what Pippa did today. It's such a fun thing to make 
and fly a kite.

Noah's wonderful learning from home

Thankyou Noah and Noah's mummy for sending us 
your photos of your learning.
 What numbers can you say?

  What a great learning activity. Look at all the words Noah can find that are the same. He must have his looking eyes on!😍

How many letters names and sounds can you say?

 What a busy learner you have been doing Noah!

I wonder what your friends  are learning.

Layla's Bb video

 That  bird is the best beautiful brown bird!

 What an amazing artist you are. I loved the video. Thankyou for sending it to you. Your friends will love seeing you and hearing your voice.

Benny's photos

Hi Mrs I collected all my creatures and ordered them from smallest to biggest then counted how many there were. Some of them were so old that mum used to have and my sister and brothers too. There were 20! I wrote all the numbers and gave each toy their number. Then I put on a puppet show to my family with mummy. 
It was so funny!

 You look very pleased with yourself Benny! What a great way to learn about writing numbers and putting them in order to 20!

 Hello Benny and the puppets.  I hope the dinosaur isn't going to eat the elephant!

I wonder if your puppets might like to join 
you for a picnic!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Pippa's picnic.

We had afternoon tea down at the park today. 
We made pikelets.
From Pippa

Yum! Everyone looked as if they 
loved them!

I wonder where else children are going to have their picnics. Please send me your photos.

Hinaata's home photos

 Thankyou Hinaata for sharing your your photos with us.

 What fun planting pretty  plants in pots.
 We will have to plant some more plants at school.

What pretty purple petunias. 

 Look at all the things you have found on your treasure hunt. 
 What fun!

 What fun riding through the golden leaves.
 What is on your shoulder?

 Look at all the numbers you can write!

 Thankyou Hinaata for your photos.

Heze's find!

I went for a walk and found a peacock feather and decided to try and turn it into a writing pen like they used in the olden days. 
Did it work? Yes it did and I am so happy to do my writing with my new pen now 😃🦚


Wow Heze. What a great pen!

 What could you find to write with!

The picnic

Did you like reading the story The picnic?
Here is the video again for you to read.

Here are some photos of us having a picnic with our teddy.

  Here is a photo of Olive and her family having a picnic as well!

Here is the teddy bears picnic song >>>

 Please share your picnic photos.

 Have fun!

Friday, April 17, 2020

A message and photos from Tommy

Hi Mrs Loudon

Here are some photos of what I have been doing...I like to give my mum a near heart attack from jumping off the top of the monkey bars onto the tramp.It is really fun for me.We also made a really cool hut and I love to draw pictures on the tramp with chalk.
The last photo is of me on the first day back at Home School doing some writing.I have enjoyed my new teacher but she's nothing like you Mrs Loudon.


 Thanks Tommy 

What is everyone else doing today?

This little piggy.

 Do you know this nursery rhyme?

 Here are some photos of some mummy pigs I saw with their baby piglets. I am sure they will be staying in their paddock. Did you know that pigs love playing in the mud!

 What animals do you have on your farm?

Story writing

Hi Everyone , What have you been doing in the book 
I gave to to either draw or write in?
 This is what Pippa has done.

 Look who else has been writing !

Benny's writing

What fun writing out side Benny.
Great seeing your alphabet card to help you.

Fun using chalk to draw pictures Tommy.

 I like the way you have made sentences 
 to copy into your writing book.